Friday, August 31, 2007

Success Story: I've made $2.51 in 7 days.

After reading about the success of, I decided to change the entire business plan (as if there ever was one) for my little assembly language editor, MIPSter.

Previously it cost $9.99 for a single user license. Now it's free.

It's hard to judge how well it will do because I made so little off MIPSter before. Every now and then share*it, the company that handled the order transactions, would send me a check for $90 or so. The thing is -- I can't remember how often I got those. Maybe once every 6 months?

At any rate, it will be an interesting experiment. I think I'm going to throw a few non-obtrusive ads on some of my other sites. I'll admit, the ads on the MIPSter site are very obtrusive, but it's my only product at the moment, so I had to do something.